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Highlights from ToolsGroup’s Virtual Supply Chain Conference

Apr 7, 2020

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Earlier this week we held our annual supply chain conference, TG/20, in a virtual format in order to keep the conversation going amid the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Industry insider Bob Ferrari attended our conference and highlights main takeaways from the event on his blog:

In the opening keynote, CEO Joseph Shamir observed that COVID-19 provides supply chains with huge uncertainties and the ultimate of unknowns. There are no past references that can be applied other than the constant: “Meet your target service levels and business goals, no matter what happens.” He then transitioned into the company’s new messaging: “The real world doesn’t always follow the rules.” Whether that equates to sharp drops in the global economy, panic buying on the part of consumers or the implications of COVID-19 outbreak itself, few businesses have observed what is now upon them.

Read Bob’s blog for more on the TG/20 conference, including:

  • Key capabilities companies need to ‘Be Ready for Anything’
  • Using scenario planning supported by higher frequencies of planning and automation in times of supply chain disruption
  • Highlights from COVID-19 response session with American Tire Distributors and McDonald’s Mesoamerica

Read ToolsGroup user conference highlights blog

Bob Ferrari is Founder and Executive Editor of the Supply Chain Matters blog and Managing Director of the Ferrari Consulting and Research Group. 

The source of this article is from ToolsGroup


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