by ToolsGroup Finstock | May 11, 2020 | Blog
With 100 years of experience, Nordco is a veteran of the railway industry. The company provides the products and services that rail-related industries need to stay on track, including substantial aftermarket spare parts and equipment production. However, like many...
by ToolsGroup Finstock | May 6, 2020 | Blog, demand forecasting, Featured, machine learning, supply chain planning
Supply chain planning concepts have been around for nearly half a century, but now many converging factors and technologies are ushering in a new era for this mature supply chain solution. We believe Gartner’s report, “Mastering Uncertainty: The Rise of Resilient...
by ToolsGroup Finstock | Apr 30, 2020 | Blog, demand planning, Featured, inventory optimization, machine learning, supply chain planning
Adding automation to supply chain planning enables planners to be more productive and improves supply chain performance. By freeing up time formerly spent on manual tasks, planners are able to focus on more creative work, while increased visibility reduces silos...
by ToolsGroup Finstock | Apr 7, 2020 | Blog, Featured
Earlier this week we held our annual supply chain conference, TG/20, in a virtual format in order to keep the conversation going amid the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Industry insider Bob Ferrari attended our conference and highlights main takeaways from the...
by ToolsGroup Finstock | Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Featured
As the COVID-19 outbreak progresses, I’ve been watching the effects on supply chains and the impact of true demand (N95 masks) versus hyped demand (toilet paper). Both examples are currently seeing stock-outs, but the toilet paper shortage is more of a logistics issue...
by ToolsGroup Finstock | Mar 31, 2020 | Blog, Featured
ToolsGroup customers around the world have had to drastically adjust their supply chain planning in response to COVID-19 demand volatility. Between restrictions on the global movement of people and goods and economic ramifications such as soaring unemployment and...